Prolific’s mission

Prolific Performance is a non-profit that develops connections, creates experiences, provides opportunities, and eliminates barriers in our community, currently through basketball and social skill-based groups.


Focusing on the whole-student will allow Prolific Performance
to empower Lincoln’s youth through fitness and mental wellness.


Executive Board Members

Jon Banks

Founder & President
It has been a dream of mine since I was young to work with youth. It’s the only job that I’ve ever wanted to do. I believe teaching and investing in our youth gives them a better chance at a bright future. The skills and lessons the youth learn through sports benefit them in their everyday life.  Sports helped me learn and grow. I met different people from many different backgrounds during my time playing sports. Those opportunities and experiences made me a more open-minded and understanding person. The thing that I am most proud of is being a father of three to Sania, Jon, and Niles and being a husband to Kelsie Banks!

Kelsie Banks

Founder & Treasurer
I’ve always been about experiences; physically, emotionally, and mentally. Having the access and the resources needed to participate in different experiences, change your life. You grow, and evolve, and so does your world. My heart led me to engage with my community to provide our youth experiences, specifically through basketball. I know there are several people who struggle to make life happen while being able to afford these experiences for their own children. I want all youth to have access to opportunities their peers have despite their current life circumstances, which they have little to no control over. One thing keeping them from these experiences is a lack of resources. Therefore, my husband and I created Prolific to address the inequities in youth sports and to provide our community connections, experiences, and opportunities while eliminating potential barriers and making Prolific accessible to everyone.

Michael Blake

Vice President
I am passionate about making a positive impact on the youth in our community. Specifically, I want to help kids understand that they are important and valuable beyond their performance in sports. My personal and professional dedication to helping people has led me to become involved in various organizations through the years, including Big Brothers Big Sisters, the United Way Steering Committee, creating Inclusion Networks at Spreetail, helping to create VisionarYouth as their former VP, and being a part of the Investigations subcommittee of the Hold Cops Accountable group, to name a few. Through my work at Prolific Performance, I hope to partner and learn with some amazing educators to continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of young people in our community. As a father of four amazing boys, I am committed to ensuring that all kids of marginalized and majority groups have an equitable opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

Katie Ness


Prolific has provided a space for me to be involved in the community, working with kids on and off the court. The life lessons being learned through wins and losses and working together with the same goal in mind will help their individual growth and prepare them for real life. I’m grateful to be a life coach to the youth we serve.

Board Members

Heidi Moore

Board Member
Growing up I was always involved in sports and music. I grew up with immense privilege; a two-parent home with more than enough to foot the bill for necessities, as well as participate in private soccer lessons and play for three teams. I never gave a second thought to the cost of participating in such events until I became a mother myself. As the head of the household, I had to tell my daughter that she would have to choose which activity she wanted to pursue due to the sheer cost. She chose basketball! The cost of participating, travel, and spectator entrance added up quickly.  I chose to be a part of the Prolific Performance organization because it works to eliminate the financial barriers for athletes and potential athletes to be able to participate. However, it is so much more than that. Prolific Performance is a community that rallies behind each athlete to build a future bigger than they could ever fathom. Prolific Performance goes above and beyond the fundamentals, and taps into character and academics. The focus is truly on the athletes and providing a space where they can learn and grow. As an educator, I have always dreamed of being a part of such an organization, which is why I am honored to be a part of Prolific Performance.

Rachael Kluck-Spann

Board Member

My mission is to live each day inspiring others to believe they have the power to live their dreams.


dominique johnson-kelley

4th Grade Coach
8th Grade Coach


Drew Cook

4th Grade Coach


Robert Torres

6th Grade Coach
7th Grade Coach
8th Grade Coach


Jon banks

6th Grade Coach
7th Grade Coach
8th Grade Coach


Michael Blake

6th Grade Coach
7th Grade Coach
8th Grade Coach


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